410bil Account. SH24. Ancient Kingdom RSS = Min 5 Tril. Wood, Stone, Ore. Min 5 Tril. Silver. Approx 3 Tril food. 250mil Gold Research completed on all but new gem & economics research which was released this week but have started some of the gem research All buildings in city at lvl 23 Hero 65 Vip 24 15+bil troops reg, strat and wilds...t2, t3 and t4 Loads of cores and pieces for plenty more sets Current Regular sets are: Shogun Oracle Mythic Destroyer Colossus Grand Marshall Dungoneer Sola Architect Prospectus Hermes Pegasus Exalted training gear (10mil troops trained without boost) 850k+ speeds Gear workshop currently at lvl 19 loads of training, construction, research, March, attack and defence boosts. Blessing orbs. time orbs. line is hellsslayer $1700 USD - logins on receipt of payment