Selling my personal steam account with over 4000 games accumulated over 10 years. This is a pure achievement hunter account with over 337,000 achievements and 437+ games perfected. They're are more perfected games but they're not listed on steam. Total perfected games amount to around 900. Account has full protection on it and will transfer everything over to you after payment. No VAC bans and no game bans at all. Please note this list has way more than 4000 games as a ton of free license games were also redeemed to this account. 4000 games only count for the paid games. In total with the free games this steam account has about 13,000 games total. List has a lot of Triple AAA titles. Will only go through a middleman for this purchase as it's a high value item.
I’m curious about the online games available on this account. It looks like you have quite a large collection. I’d also be interested to know your Steam level.
Can you let me know what region this account is tied to? I’m asking because I’m currently in Greece, and I’m curious if I’ll be able to use it here. Also, I’d like to know what online games are available on the account, as I personally prefer online games since I don’t play single-player ones as much due to the lack of new interesting projects. Recently, I’ve started paying attention to online platforms where you can play with other people, as it adds a new experience. Additionally, there are platforms that combine games with different mechanics, offering an interesting alternative to traditional games. For example, the reviews on provide insights into various online casino platforms in Greece and the games they offer. In general, modern online casinos often offer various gaming options, and this can be an additional way to diversify the gaming experience, opening new possibilities for players.