Selling  Android 4 Trans SQH SFX FQV LFA/19 E5/ Collector account/ Resources to do anything you like

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nest1e, 4/23/22.

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  1. Nest1e

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    My Location:
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    With all the resources, play the game the way you want to play it and build whatever you want. Experience the fun without the grind - has everything you need to make it far.

    • Level: 336
    • Server: 10
    • VIP: 6
    Vanquisher vortex
    Energy feed

    4 Trans V4- Halora + Xia + Aspen + Vesa (85 stones for swapping if desired)
    19 Heroes E5 (And tons of fodder to make whatever you want. Endless quad boxes and shards)
    50M Power
    12 Skins (And 440 skin shards and another ~25 boxes for skins)
    Artis: Splendid DBx2, AMB,Dildo | Radiant KoG, DB | Glittery Ruyi, Cane, Antlers. Also have arti box + 2 flag boxes + ~1200 feathers

    Also this account has been around since ~2016/2017 and has collected most of the unique items. Some OG guild war frames as well.

    Ask me if you need any more details on the account or screenshots.
    boxes.jpg consumables.jpg fodder.jpg frames.jpg Items.jpg Screenshot_20220422-174745.jpg Screenshot_20220422-174809.jpg heroes.jpg Screenshot_20220422-180421.jpg Screenshot_20220422-180430.jpg Screenshot_20220422-185530.jpg Screenshot_20220422-185629.jpg Screenshot_20220422-185735.jpg Screenshot_20220422-190831.jpg
    #1 Nest1e, 4/23/22
    Last edited: 4/25/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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