AMS Army Men Strike Account I have 10 accounts: 1) 3billion LVL 83 H3 as you can imagine the build is very well developed. It is a very well respected account and is apart of the best rally team there is. 70 million in tech defensive line H3 I have most all Apearance packages. 120 Lion general 120 marco 120 headless 120 Snow 120 Flora 3 Turkey knights 5 EOD's 4 Chris 4 bull 9 dememters maxed forest eleder maxed Angel Alyssa maxed green and red ginger breads maxed S Lupen maxed Silent Knight this is just a small taste of what this account has. F117 5 star with christmas gear Pegasus maxed LVL 50 with maxed out lvl 80 wild roar gear Slug with Triumph Gear Ice Dragon 5 star with Ice dragon gear LVL 80 plane is 8.4 million power 2)104 million account also apart of rally team LVL 69 3)88 million account. lvl 61 4) 32 million lvl 60 trap account 5) Rss account 6) Rss account 7) Rss account 8) Rss account 9) Rss account 10) Rss account full reinforcement build for taking rallies. can produce 250-300 mill in metal weekly average you can also make 1-2G in plastic with no problem. All accounts collect Rss very well. more information in # PM's yes I know I didn't list BF. $3500 for all accounts