Level 77 profile for sale, Level 10 : Grizzly Ghost Rider Terminator Spooky Leopard Atak Super Hind AGS Team Sentinel BMP Pantsir Black Shark Merkavas GMLRS F35 Raptor Blue prints for the NEW Overlord and Nemesis already done with 1 Overlord already built ! Level 5 (maxed) Mega Gun Platform Level 11 Command Center Level 9 Fob Building Level 8 FOBS Level 12 oil pumps (1 still lvl 11) Level 12 metal factories Level 10 platforms for ALL guns +5,941 in GOLD Included ALL Combat platoons are level 10 ALL Base Defender Platoons are MAXED Spent $700 since December 31st ALONE... OVER $4,000 Invested ! I will use PayPal for buyer protection HOWEVER ... YOU will pay the fees for the money transfer ! My Line App id is: GI_JEEPER or I can be found on Facebook messanger by searching Jared Engelhardt (not jared matthew Engelhardt, that's an old profile my ex-wife stole and scrambled) I have screenshots of anything and everything you could ever ask to see. MESSAGE ME FOR SCREEN SHOTS !!! (Photos too big for this site I guess...) I will also provide support in getting you logged into my profile so it is associated with your Google account and making sure you're squared away !!!! Once complete you need to change the password and Associated email address so I am locked out and you are locked in ! Again I will help you with the process to be 100% sure your good ! I will guide you through messenger.... Yes I know other people are asking a lot more money for their accounts... but as far as I'm concerned in the end it's just a damn video game account... So I just want out of it what I've spent on it so far this month, and then move on with my life. It is what it is... But it WILL BE A 100% Legitimate Sale ON BOTH SIDES...
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Jared E. Re: #1[/trigger]