Power: 65m Gold: 20k Troops: 300k and still training Urban Buildings: 26-29 VIP: 9 Gear: 4 duelist, Portos armor and axe Stones: 3 Nobility +5, 12 Hope +5/6, scientist full Guards: 3 purple, 3 blue, 2 green 1-3 stars Research: Currently 83/112 in research expedition. Lots of Combat 2. Airship: lvl 45. 3 purple(+2), 2 blue (+2) 3-5 stars Creation: cleared floor 55, use it for plunder, 1275 satchel capacity + 6 c16 all cleared floor 55, all farms have satchel capacity 1000 ( use it for plunder ) stats actual: 19.10.2018 price #