Sold 350k BP NA server, AllMight, Endeavor, Aizawa... Dolphin account

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ishida2k, 6/18/21.

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  1. Ishida2k

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    I'm selling my personal account.
    It is on server 50 NA
    Only missing Momo and Bakugo.
    Already got Endeavor and his support card for healing, also have all might support card.
    Only one more Todoroki to SS him and I'm 3 shards away from SSS Uraraka and almost SSS tailman too. Part of the strongest alliance on the and I'm top 5 on server.
    Looking for about 200$, but I accept offers. The account is linked to a dummy Gmail. My discord is: Ishida#2405

    #1 Ishida2k, 6/18/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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