Selling  Europe  Many Premiums  1-24 Hours 33k battle (T95/FV4201,907,780,260,FV215b,Carro45t)

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by TheRedPulse, 2/25/23.

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  1. TheRedPulse

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    Hello, this is the second time I want to sell my account here. I've been playing the game since 2012, with 34,000 battles and a 53% win rate. I used to play in tournaments and really loved the 7v7 format (7/42, 7/54). I had my own team and we used to win. I want to sell my account because I don't play anymore. Also, the account's nickname can be changed for free. The account has 13k bonds, 3k gold, 32,000,000 credits, and 15k experience, as well as many personal reserves, and 213 x5 missions for a winning battle.

    You can ask me questions in Discord Red123#7679


    38 tier 10 tanks, 7 of them are elite

    4 tier 9 tanks, 3 of them are elite

    24 tier 8 tanks, 21 of them are premium

    6 tier 7 tanks, all of them are premium (one of them is a unique tank, the 13 57GF, which I received as a prize from WG's contest)

    12 tier 7 tanks, 10 of them are premium (with a unique style for the T34-85 tank)

    And also, there is a clan, but I have left it for now, but I can give it to you.
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