Selling  High End 338M POWER / LEV 49 / PRIME ACCOUNT

Discussion in 'Brutal Age Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JZB, 12/30/18.

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  1. JZB

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    I have easily, over $35k-$40k+ into the game right now in building up my account. I no longer have time to play this due to an ever increasing workload. This is not an account for a newb - rather someone who has played a bit, and wants to step immediately to the highest level. I'll outline below exactly what I have so far... most if not all the work has been done for you. I'm letting this go at a fire-sale price of $10k / non-#. This has taken around 10 months of work to get to this point. This is being sold due to my work load increasing to a point where I no longer have time to play.

    *Building - all buildings are at LEVEL 25 (except for the Wish Tree, which is at 21 working on 22). Once that's done - all building will be completed.

    *Research -
    ~Battle : 100% complete
    ~Outpost : 100% complete
    ~Development : 92% complete (only a few things left that are non-essential)

    *Troop Strength - 7.63M troops
    ~Warrior: T5 (1.7M) / T4 (250K) / T3 (45K) / T2 (137K) / T1 (1.35M)
    ~Beast: T5 (940K) / T4 (262K) / T3 (20K) / T2 (16K) / T1 (836K)
    ~Shaman: T5 (1.1M) / T4 (250K) / T3 (25.7K) / T2 (59K) / T1 (647K)

    *Player Level - Level 49 (1/2 way to Level 50)
    ~Talent points : 239
    ~3 different settings (war, training, and resource collection)

    *Runes - most runes are at level 7, i have a good bit that are at 6 and some of the rare ones which are only obtained through competition are at level 5.

    *Partners - most major partners.
    ~6* partners : (total of 25) - 14 are 3* awaken maxed
    ~5* partners : (total of 7) that are maxed out. (1 is 3* awaken) and (1 is 1* awaken - Blue daggers)
    ~3* and 4* partners : a ton...
    ~most of the partners have armor that are at level 12 / in the case of a few - they are maxed at level 15 on top 1/2's.

    *Speed Ups (general) and Speed Ups (training) - right now have estimated about 24K hours. I also have a 50% - 1 hour training speedup. So for 1 hour - you could crank through as many troops as you have mana and ivory for, at 1/2 of the training time, and could easily churn out another 100M in power.

    *Dragonkin - (Ragehorn is 7* / level 37 / and 1.9M power) // (Tyrant is 1* / level 21 / and 129K power)

    If someone took this account over, who had a little bit more time than I've had - you could easily put your partner team in the Top 50. Just with what I have had, I can get in the Top 200. Just requires maxing all armor out and diversifying the partner portfolio a bit. Again, this takes a little time - you have the partners to work with (Red Ursa/Bear; All elephants (2 blues); blue prince, blue daggers, Blue/Red/Green Nomads, Red Ghost, Green Catfish, Blue/Red/Green Colonels, etc...

    I won't negotiate on the price of the account. I know what I have put into this account, and you're getting it on fire-sale. You will be part of the strongest clan on the server, very friendly group and very active. We usually do incredibly well during Server Wars and if you like that sort of thing - there is an entire team / group of folks with strong accounts who we actively take our opponents temple regularly. Very few other servers can come close to competing with us. This is an account, that you really never need a shield. It is virtually impossible to even rally me due to incredibly strong partner group, a massive wall of T1 on the front end, and 3.8M T5 on the backend.

    Serious inquiries only. Thanks.
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