Main- Most regular studies complete. Alot of First Stage Foreign studies in Def, Castle complete. Seven Profiles- Study, Build, Bear, Training, Battle, Scout, Castle, all with proper Legendary Arsenal Gear, Gems, and Major Runes. Most gear at lvl 6 upgrade. Adrian, Sixtus, Vigo, Canute, Ann, full Legendary Gear, Gems, and Major Runes. Five Cardinals maxed. Town producing Stone and Silver. 721 m Gold. Billions in Rss. Lots of Boosts and Bonuses. 2 m + Errands. VIP almost 39 Alot of well developed Achievements. Lvl 40 Adventurer on St 9 in Ruins. Alt- I started this account as a no pay to see how far I could get. It is fairly well developed for a lvl 28. I have over $3000 invested. I'm recently retired and don't have the time and money to continue. Price is OBO