Selling      31 Level (Soon 32) Tiktok Account (Great Price) - Feel Like a Celebrity

Discussion in 'TikTok Accounts for Sale | Buy Sell TikTok Account' started by Wizardofweb, 8/1/24.

  1. Wizardofweb

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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    Country of followers (majority): US, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey
    Account Level: 31 (See the Screenshot Below)
    Amount of fans/followers: 550 (Private account)
    Coins Gifted to Date: 1 M+
    Promotion methods used?: Organic Followers

    Description: I am selling my 31 Level account because of an urgency. Account is very close the to be level 32 as you can see below on the screenshot. Because of urgency I selling it for $1,750. You can make a research and see other sellers ask $2500+ for very similar even lower level accounts. I used it as a private account so approved my followers manually, If you will use it as public account then your followers will rapidly grow once you visit the Live Streams on Tiktok… Because everybody notice when you enter to chat. Your name Highlighted.

    WhatsApp Image 2024-08-01 at 08.25.52_31a84b6e.jpg
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