Selling  MAX TH10 [AQ-35 BK-34] ALL TROOPS and DEFENSE MAX

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Clans | COC Clan for Sale' started by criitss_, 7/29/17.

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  1. criitss_

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    NOTE - Please read:
    1. I only sell account through middleman service on the site. I don't trade nor buy.
    2. If you add me on one of the options below. I will assist you and tell you everything about the account.
    3. The accounts which I sell are full information.
    4. I only sell safe account. No mod, no #, no 3rd party software.
    5. After you receive account and change information, only you can play, nobody can login except you.
    6. Life time warranty if anything happens.


    Accounts for faster response and best price
    - K.I.K:
    - Instagram.: criitss

    - Snapchat: officialpride
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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