Selling  1000+m  T5+ 300USD 1.2 billion might T5 42 heroe gold sell or change for Axies channel youtube or twitch

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by wolsda, 7/1/21.

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  1. wolsda

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    Hello everyone, best regards.

    I'm over here selling my account.
    in which I accept as full payment or part of payment according to the value. I accept axie infinity, youtube or twitch.
    attached I can accept payment in USD price $ 600 #

    here is the description of my account
    1.2 billion mightpower so far
    T5 Troops with more than 370k each except: luminary avanger

    all investigations ready, except some missing
    I own castle skins (specifically: Teasure Galleon, Owl Outpost, Pavilion of Terror, Flaming Fortress, Forbidden Hall, Holy Temple)
    I have 45 heroes of the cueles I have 42 heroes gold
    family pact 4
    good gears
    magic portal chaper 4 stage 12

    price 600$ USD I ACCEP PAYPAL bitcoin etherium giftcards amazon googleplay and other payment method

    service middleman via

    contact: discord: middlemanserviceadm#6015

    for more information and contact:
    discod: wookielu#1682
    line app: mclelu
    email business: [email protected]
    #1 wolsda, 7/1/21
    Last edited: 7/4/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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