Sold 3-year-strong Animation Throwdown Account +23 MYTHICS +400 LEGS +110 QUAD FUSED LEGS

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wesleydavid88, 1/26/21.

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  1. wesleydavid88

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    My Location:
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    Selling my decent and strong account.
    23 mythics, many are upgraded
    400+ Legendaries (+110 are quad fused)
    600+ combos
    Watt Converter of course! And a lot of combo mastery researched! Many heroes are at maximum Level. Please see below for further information and contact me in here or via mail: [email protected]

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    #1 wesleydavid88, 1/26/21
    Last edited: 1/26/21
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  2. OP

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    My Location:
    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | left
    2 | $300 Knife | 0
    2 | Bad Tina | 0
    2 | Balloon Fight | 0
    2 | Baseball Dale | 10
    2 | Belly Drum | 0
    2 | Bending School Grad | 0
    2 | Brainwashed Hayley | 0
    2 | Burger Wars | 0
    2 | Chex LeMeneux | 0
    2 | Chicken Fight | 0
    2 | Christmas Trap | 0
    2 | Claw-Plach | 0
    2 | Crack Addict Stan | 0
    2 | Devil Bobby | 0
    2 | Dodgeball Louise | 0
    2 | Dr. Bobbenstein | 0
    2 | Drunk Peggy | 0
    2 | Drunk Peter | 0
    2 | Drunk Stan | 0
    2 | Drunk Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Easter Bunny Peter | 0
    2 | Fever Dreams | 0
    2 | Finger Cutter | 0
    2 | Flirty Tutor | 0
    2 | Gas Class | 0
    2 | Griffin and Quagmire | 0
    2 | Heckler Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Hipster Donald | 0
    2 | Jealous Bobby | 0
    2 | Jose Servo | 0
    2 | Jouster Peggy | 0
    2 | Joy of Painting | 0
    2 | Karate Stewie | 0
    2 | Keyboardist Dale | 0
    2 | Laser Gun Stewie | 0
    2 | Laser Tag Stan | 0
    2 | Martian Calendar | 0
    2 | Mission Doctor | 0
    2 | Moonshine Roger | 0
    2 | Paddlin' Peggy | 0
    2 | Pirate Cannon Peter | 5
    2 | Propane Sculpture | 0
    2 | Raging Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Responsible Cocaine User Bullock | 0
    2 | Ricky Spanish | 0
    2 | Roger in Disguise | 0
    2 | Rooftop Drunk | 0
    2 | S and M Peter | 0
    2 | Santa Killer Hayley | 0
    2 | Sex Ed Peter | 0
    2 | Show and Tell | 0
    2 | Sower of Revenge | 0
    2 | Space Queen | 0
    2 | Squirrel Death | 0
    2 | Swim Teacher Bob | 0
    2 | Tree | 0
    2 | Viking Peter | 0
    2 | Washboard Bender | 0
    2 | Winfrey | 0
    1 | ABC Quagmire | 5
    1 | American Giggolo | 5
    1 | Angry Bullock | 5
    1 | Army Quagmire | 5
    1 | Art of War | 15
    1 | Assassin Bender | 5
    1 | Baby Duck Stewie | 15
    1 | Badminton Roger | 5
    1 | Bakaneko Fighter Louise | 5
    1 | Ballgirl | 15
    1 | Bandit Bob | 5
    1 | Baseball Peter | 15
    1 | Batter Up Bobby | 5
    1 | Beer Funnel Peter | 5
    1 | Benderbrau | 15
    1 | Black and Orange Party | 5
    1 | Booty Shaking Drunk | 5
    1 | Brewmaster Teddy | 5
    1 | Butt Toucher Tina | 5
    1 | Captain Feathers | 0
    1 | Censor Stan | 15
    1 | Children's Author | 15
    1 | Christmas Punchout | 5
    1 | CIA Student | 5
    1 | Clarinet Stan | 5
    1 | Cleaning Wench | 5
    1 | Clobberella | 5
    1 | Cloud Painter | 5
    1 | Cock Fight Steve | 0
    1 | CrippleTron | 0
    1 | Cute Witch of the North | 5
    1 | Dancing Cans | 5
    1 | Delivery Marmoset | 5
    1 | Devil Hank | 15
    1 | Dog Bone Stan | 5
    1 | Dojo Joe | 10
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter | 10
    1 | Eggnog Roger | 5
    1 | Emcee Stewie | 5
    1 | Evening Beer Dale | 5
    1 | Falcon Attack Quagmire | 5
    1 | Farnsworth's Cat | 5
    1 | Fart in a Jar | 15
    1 | Fart School Louise | 5
    1 | Freezer Burn | 5
    1 | Fry's Painting | 5
    1 | Goth Bullock | 5
    1 | Hail Science! | 5
    1 | Hammer Olympian | 5
    1 | Hangover Nightmare | 5
    1 | Hatchet Boomhauer | 5
    1 | Hip Hop Bob | 5
    1 | Home Ec Teacher | 5
    1 | Honeybucket Student | 5
    1 | Horse Rider Tina | 5
    1 | Internet **** | 5
    1 | Keytar Brian | 5
    1 | Kidney Killer | 5
    1 | Martini Drunk Stan | 5
    1 | Mathy Cathy | 5
    1 | Medicated Stewie | 5
    1 | Mocktrial Louise | 5
    1 | Mommy Mummy | 5
    1 | Mr. Deliver | 5
    1 | Mugger Bender | 5
    1 | Naked Tug of War | 5
    1 | Never Have I Ever | 5
    1 | NRA Member | 15
    1 | Nun Peggy | 5
    1 | Nurse Tina | 5
    1 | One Art Please | 5
    1 | Painting Montage Joe | 5
    1 | Pitcher Peggy | 5
    1 | Princess Little Piddles | 15
    1 | Propaniac Dale | 5
    1 | Rapture Stan | 5
    1 | Red Rodriguez 2 Real | 15
    1 | River Burned | 5
    1 | Robot House | 5
    1 | Roger Goes Down | 5
    1 | Ruby Zeldastein | 5
    1 | Santa Stewie | 5
    1 | Sculptor Peter | 5
    1 | Secret Asian Man | 5
    1 | Sewer Surfer Bender | 5
    1 | Sex Ed Teacher | 5
    1 | Sketch Artist Dale | 15
    1 | Skiing Zoidberg | 15
    1 | Skydiver Quagmire | 5
    1 | Sledgehammer Dale | 5
    1 | Sleighing Tonight | 5
    1 | Snake Hunter | 5
    1 | Student Fry | 5
    1 | Summer Guy | 5
    1 | Supermodel Roger | 5
    1 | Swimmer Dale | 5
    1 | The Gender Bender | 5
    1 | Towel Manager Dale | 5
    1 | Trippy Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Tuning Fork | 5
    1 | Unsharp Scissors Zapp | 5
    1 | Vengeance Quagmire | 15
    1 | Victory Dance | 5
    1 | Whale Hunter Amy | 5
    1 | Wine & Paint Quagmire | 5
    1 | Wingnut Amy | 15
    1 | Xerxes the Falcon | 5
    1 | Yacht Club | 5
    1 | Zac Sawyer | 5
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Chiarcher

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    My Location:
    I'm ready
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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