Sold 3 relics + 95.000 coins + all necessary parts upgraded + more (PC Version)

Discussion in 'Crossout Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by captain1821, 1/29/23.

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  1. captain1821

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    Hello all!!!

    It’s been some time since I have no time to play this awesome game and I believe that it is better to give my account to someone else to enjoy instead of let it rot.

    So, the highlights of the account are…

    95.000 coins ready to be spent in the market for building anything you want with relic weapons and start playing right away. If you do the math, 95.000 coins worth more than 1250 euros.

    Relic weapons:

    2 x Firebug

    Flash I

    Upgraded weapons (Upgrades in parenthesis):

    3 x Helios (Durability, Damage, Range of fire)

    Kaiju (Resistance to all damage, Damage, Projectile speed)

    Jobokko (Resistance to all damage, Drone damage, Activation delay)

    Spark III (Durability, Cooling rate, Range of fire)

    Skinner (Durability, Reloading time, Range of fire)

    and more…

    Upgraded cabins (Upgrades in parenthesis):

    Cohort (Durability, Power, Self-destruct damage)

    Griffon (Resistance to all damage, Power, Self-destruction explosion radius)

    Nova (Mass, Power, Self-destruction explosion radius)

    Yokozuna (Mass, Power, Self-destruct damage)

    Blight (Durability, Self-destruct damage, Mass limit)

    Bastion (Resistance to all damage, Mass limit, Delay before self-destruction)

    Humpback (Resistance to all damage, Mass limit, Delay before self-destruction)

    Quantum (Mass, Mass limit, Delay before self-destruction)

    Jannabi (Durability, Power, Self-destruction explosion radius)

    and more…

    Upgraded Hardware (Upgrades in parenthesis):

    Apollo IV (Mass, Module explosion radius)

    Doppler (Detection radius, Mine detection radius, Resistance to all damage)

    Verifier (Invisibility detection radius, Mine detection radius, Resistance to all damage)

    Chameleon Mk2 (Active time, Resistance to all damage)

    RN Seal (Radiator efficiency, Mass)

    Shiver (Cooling efficiency, Mass)

    Cheetah (Mass limit, Resistance to all damage)

    Cheetah (Mass, Bonus to power)

    Colossus (Mass, Mass limit)

    Oppressor (Durability, Mass limit)

    Argus (Reloading time, Mine detection radius, Durability)

    2 x Expanded ammo pack (Module efficiency, Mass)

    Expanded ammo pack (Module explosion damage, Mass)

    and more…

    Upgraded Movement parts (Upgrades in parenthesis):

    9 x Icarus VII (Power penalty reduced, Mass)

    7 x Bigfoot ST (various upgrades combinations)

    2 x Bigfoot (Tonnage, Resistance to all damage)

    4 x Omni (Mass, Power penalty reduced)

    and more…

    Tones of collectibles and all kinds of love you unlocked.

    The value of my account without counting the time spent to get all this, is around 4.000 euros, but I’m selling it only for 500 euros or the equivalent in US dollars (right now it is $545).

    Find me at discord at captain1821#7764 for a tour at the account via share screen and to talk about doing a deal.

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