Global EU acc lvl83 end game. Hov 4/4 Hof 3/4 + thales M Hot 3/4 + monet T Mobius 4/4 Aka 4/4 ana set + kor(for hor 4/4) Haxxor 4/4 Raven 4/4 Ch S3 4/4 Elysia SS + bow Bke 2/4(dante T + ely B) dante M in bp shop FR + weap + costume Rondo 4/4 Delta SS S3 + weap. Ae 90frags 4/4( lvl27 bp just need to lvl60 to unlock her pri already) Other S: sk,le,bn Except sleeping and kor other weap are pri lvl55 + still has mats for 3x pri. 280+ days old mihoyo clean bind. Pass talkshit and... Read more