Hi, I have 3 accounts that I would like to sell urgently, all to one buyer. Will show eveboard screenshots of characters on request. Total asking price: $650 OBO PayPal All characters have good names. (No numbers or weird caps) All characters are in NPC corps with clean corp history. All docked in hi-sec with positive sec status. Most assets are located in Jita. Characters that are still training have all the skill books they will need in their assets so you can continue their training as planned or create your own training plan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<Account 1>> Account expires: 31 October 2014 (in 33 days) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 1-- Caldari Male SP: 36m (Almost perfect missile skills. Tengu skills at 5) Sec Status: 1.47 Implants: All +4's Focus: PVP/PVE Tengu/Freighter/Covops pilot Wallet: 10B ISK Assets: 2B ISK worth. Mostly in Jita ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 2-- Minmatar Male SP: 5m Sec Status: 0.00 Implants: All +4's Except Charisma Focus: Mining alt/Hulk pilot Wallet: 5000 ISK Assets: Just a few mining ships ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<Account 2>> Account expires: 21 December 2015 (in 450 days) Note: This account had its buddy link advertised on a YouTube video so that's why it is still active for another 450 days. Every now and again a PLEX or free 30 days still come through the buddy system so that's pretty neat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 1-- Gallente Male SP: 26m Sec Status: 0.04 Implants: All +4's Focus: Perfect Orca booster/Freighter, Hulk, Industrial covops pilot Wallet: 400M ISK Assets: At least 7B ISK worth. Includes a lot of expensive, researched BPO's, An orca and a freighter, boosting implants and 3 PLEX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 2-- Minmatar Male SP: 10m (All races Destroyer and Battlecruiser at 5) Sec Status: -0.23 Implants: All +4's Focus: PVP alt (Still training) Wallet: 0 ISK Assets: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 3-- Gallente Female SP: 2m Sec Status: 0.00 Implants: All +3's Except Charisma Focus: Gank alt (Still training) Wallet: 5000 ISK Assets: 1B ISK worth. Ganking ships, modules, cheap implants all in Jita. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<Account 3>> Account expires: 02 January 2015 (in 96 days) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Char 1-- Minmatar Female SP: 5m Sec Status: 0.00 Implants: All +4's Except Charisma Focus: Mining alt/Hulk pilot Wallet: 5000 ISK Assets: Just a few mining ships ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Updated: WTS - 6 Characters - Something for everybody! | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.