Selling  Level 95+  Android 3.6b BR Bladedancer 4th rank in Arena BR 2k diamonds until VIP11

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ExpectMe, 5/8/18.

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  1. ExpectMe

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    Don't really have a lot of time for games anymore, so I've decided to sell my account in hopes it finds a good owner!

    Server EU-1000. Account is almost ready for Super Tycoon event, all that's needed is saved up diamonds. (have over 1mil Eternium, 500k Arcanite, 400k Honor, 20k Battle Tokens, 87k Merit Tokens, 260k Obsidian, 30k Guild Gold, 11k Azure fruits, 424 Mystic Tarot cards, all 9 Guild-All rewards from Plunder still obtainable)

    Only 10 pets, 7 wrathwings, 1 skywing and 4 metamorphs are not obtained. Only 2 Legendary pets left to Awaken.
    Twilight Set almost completed, only shoulders (rank16) and weapon (rank5) left to go.
    11 Legendary and 7 Mythic Emblems on Skywings. Emblem slots on Phoenix are completely unlocked.
    6 mounts unlocked. 14 level5 armaments.
    Soul Relic lvl197.
    All 4 Ultima Weapons unlocked. 3 recasted to lvl120, 1 to lvl117. 3 Skills upgraded to lvl2, fourth is almost lvl4. Giant's and Savage are at 9.
    Ezio Metamorph unlocked and at rank2.
    Meta treasure: 2 lvl5 and 4 lvl4 compasses, 5 lvl4 crystals and 1 lvl3.

    That's the gist of it. If you're interested in any other information on the account, let me know!

    #1 ExpectMe, 5/8/18
    Last edited: 5/8/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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