Sold 3,5 Billion Cash/ Gear Worth 6.2Billion/59 Sorc

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Guerillia, 3/6/17.

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  1. Guerillia

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    Pictures are on the ebay site...
    Im selling you my loved BDO ACCOUNT WITH AN 3 Party Email.

    Perfect to grind or lifeskill.
    Hughe amount of money and recources.

    The main char is a level 59 Sorc with 85 percent of the level.
    Aswell as many other chars as seen on the pictures.
    The sorc has full weight and many costumes.
    She´s fitted with complete Tri BOSS GEAR.
    She also has enough skillpoints.
    In the storage you get 3.5 BILLION SILVER IN CASH. ALWAYS RANK 1 IN WEALTH!!!
    The full Storage with the gear is worth 6.2 BILLION SILVER.
    This account also has a T7 HORSE WITH ALL GEAR +10 AND ALL SKILLS YOU NEED. 2 Maids, that help you access the storage or marketplace while youre on tour, are also ready for you.
    Pets are also complete lvl 10 and fast enough to loot for you.
    I dont sell this account because I dont like the game anymore, I just dont have the time for it anymore.
    The Prize is fair and the value of this account will go up, because silver is getting worth more in BDO soon, so my price will rise soon for this account.

    If you have questions or want to offer something above 600 Euro, question me.
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