Selling Rise of Kingdoms account Power: 3.3M CH: 20 VIP: 7 Gems: 11.200 Keys: 78 Golden, 135 Silver Alliance credit: 1.3M Member of top 5 alliances: international, english speaking very active and friendly people All troops are tier 3, can upgrade to tier 4 soon Resources: ~60.5M food, 60.5M wood, 24M rock, 11.5M Gold Universal sculptures: 27 Legendary, 38 Epic, 68 Elite, 99 Advanced Alot of speedups including 1x 7day speedup 2.3K medals everyday from expedition Commanders: Legendary: CaoCao (2000) Lvl 10 Richard I (1000) Lvl 10 Aethelflaed (3000) Lvl 9 Caesar (1000) Lvl 9 Frederick I (1000) Lvl 10 Charles Martel (1000) Lvl 1 El Cid (1000) Lvl 1 Cleopatra VII (1000) Lvl 1 Mehmed II (1000) Lvl 1 Ishida Mitsunari (1000) Lvl 1 Epic: Sun Tzu (5524) Lvl 44 Lohar (3551) Lvl 31 Boudica (5210) Lvl 28 Kusunoki (5520) Lvl 22 Scipio (5100) Lvl 20 Joan (4000) Lvl 8 Eulji (5000) Lvl 8 Hermann (3000) Lvl 1 Pelagius (1000) Lvl 1 Belisarius (2000) Lvl 1 Baibars (3000) Lvl 1 Osman I (2000) Lvl 1 Elite: Constance (2550) Lvl 20 Sarka (5550) Lvl 20 Gaius Marius (5550) Lvl 19 + farm account Power 1M Discord: Beekoo#0993