Selling 2xweapons sc100rr rvr/progresion pack Rod of...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/23/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

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    2xweapons sc100rr rvr/progresion pack Rod of service 1000g + AM 95rr Pm offers" "Choppa 100rr on Karak Norn ""Choppa 100rr " Weapon 98rr Belt 98rr Cloak 99rr +1000g Many DF and WF crest RVR/progresion pack sub active" "Wts rr 100 wh ""Selling RR100 WH." [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? -2x set offensive rr100 weapons (one with 24 str talis -1x set defensive rr100 weapons [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? -200 apoth/craft (tons of mats and seeds) [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? Current offer is at $400. Clean account leveled full from scratch (no botting and no CSR reports). Respond or pm with offers or questions." "WTS RR100 WH-RR92 BW-RR89 WE (+alts) ""I am the original owner of this account" This account has also been inactive for about 3 months All toons are currently on Badlands (originally on Gorfang) The WH gear includes: 5/5 Off WF 5/5 Def WF 10/10 DF 5/5 glyph 5/5 tyrant single & double aegis Full Sov etc etc 2x off WF & DF Weps 2x def WF & DF Weps There is quite a bit more to this toon than i have listed. But those are the main features BW gear includes: 5/5 off DF 4/5 def DF RR90 off staff 5/5 glyph Currently have 321 WF insigs towards the RR100 wep (unfused). 91k rvr kills. WE gear includes: 5/5 off DF 2/5 def DF 1x RR90 off DF wep (~43 fused insigs away from 2nd) 4/5 glyph (missing the back piece) The toon is 32% away from hitting RR90. Has everything needed to be a great WE. 1200+ gold on this toon. Toons on the account really not worth mentioning are a RR77 WP I know i have left out a few things about the account Also would like to mention there are 2 server transfer keys enabled on this acccount. Looking to get somewhere in the ballpark of $250 "WTB VETERAN account Warhammer (3 years) ""Looking for an account VETERAN of Warhammer Online (3 years)" Pm for offers Payment with account paypal verified" "WTS VETERAN ACCOUNT Warhammer (3 years) ""error" "WTS/T 2x rr100 WPs ""Selling 2 Warrior Priests" Both Female 1. rr100 female WP 4/5 WF heal GameTagcom - Buy and Sell...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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