Sold 28m, vip 13, 5535 richard, 270 gold heads,lv 24 castle

Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Trc128, 11/6/20.

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  1. Trc128

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    - Account linked to FB and gmail (all information will be given)
    - 5 passports
    - VIP 13 , 2 gold heads per day
    - castle lv 24
    - excellence military rsrch , cartography lv 5 opened, lv 9 combined medical and enchampment opened as well
    - 270 gold heads available
    - lot of speed up,resources and toms of AP, ready to powering up, keeping low power for cheap migration purpose

    ne go ti able.. pm me for info or chat here:
    WhatsApp +62 857 5970 2592
    Discord TRC140#4974

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