Sold 2816 TTL, 500M+ XP, All maxed but arch, Original owner

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Ghost3272, 8/8/20.

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  1. Ghost3272

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    I will be selling the account for f&f paypal for 160 USD without a middle man and you go first, contact me on discord: ghost3272#4965
    You can also buy through playerup with a middle man for 200 USD.

    I can't give away the email because it's linked to my own that I use daily, I can transfer the email and can provide recovery details.

    The account is about 3 years old, but I only seriously played for the first year. I have sold off most of my gold, and the only things that remain on the account are untradeable gear that total up to about 300m+, all high level gear i.e. full custom fitted trimmed masterwork, amulet of souls, etc.

    I have a few item unlocks:
    charming imp
    bone crusher + demon hunter necklace
    Max cape
    All the Tokhaar
    fury shark, elder divination, magic golem, infinity etheral outfit
    scroll of: life, cleansing, efficiency, proficiency, dexterity
    ancient magic
    Range cape is on the anacronia stand

    I also have a few pets here and there, some skilling and 2 legendary pets (shadow+fire drake)

    Here are the stats:

    Here are the achievements:

    Here are the QP:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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