Selling Clash of clans Th9.5 (free Th6.5 Max!) lv15 heros & lv138

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by ned___, 3/26/17.

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  1. ned___

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    Unfortunately I decided to sell my th9.5 base... Lv 136 with lv15 heroes... max offense with th9 defence which makes it weight low in war. can easily three star th9-10s (depending on experience) bowler attacks in this account are maddd.. Easy to use!
    Android and IOS.
    no name change

    TH6.5 comes free with the account, lv2 drags which makes the account solid in war and th6 defence which makes it weight lower than th7s but has the ability to hit th6-7-8s depending on exp.
    android only!
    no name change

    image1 (1).PNG image1.PNG image2 (1).PNG image2.PNG image3.PNG
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