Sold 271 lvl 1,9m power PS account maxed techs!

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Qba888, 9/6/18.

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  1. Qba888

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    I just got into PhD studies, next kid on horizon so after almost 15 months of playing I don't have no more time for playing.
    I want to sell almost endgame very good acc:
    top 200 campaign, arena
    top 20 aspen (hell 23), ToC, FTA, Guild wars, broken space (lot of avatar form beeing #1)
    Always top1 in pray of fire!
    All techs maxed (sorry forgot to screen maxed ranger tech and you still have 130k guild coins for future guild techs update), all exclusive gears and artifacts, your bag is rich of a lot of stuff and a lot of fodders in bag, a lot of heroes to fuse (you can reach 2,2m power or more instantly if you use them), tavern 28x6* quests, 10x7* quests and a lot of other quests saved (good resource of emergency gems). Basically this account is ready for months of events! All is on screeens. I want to sell it fast so we can negotiate price. Selling via middle man because safety reasons. First serious offer and mine acc is yours. Gallery here:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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