Sold +25 weapon 1516.67 Zerker account with 5 1490 s all +20 weapons and brel ready.

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by Emmnoelltosq100, 12/28/22.

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  1. Emmnoelltosq100

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    I have +25 weapon zerker with completed 4 mostly lvl 5 tripods, LoS 18 awakenings, alot of horizontal content complete ( all for skill points are done) and 5 1490's all with +20 weapons the classes are Striker, Reaper, Wardancer, Scrapper, and Glaivier. I also have a 1460 SH and 1415 GS and 4 other lopang slaves aka ( paladin, DB, GL, machinist)

    all but 2 (Striker and Reaper) Have lvl 7 gems.

    Zerker, Glaivier, Wardancer, Scrapper are all 5x3 Striker is 4x2 and Reaper is 4x1

    Zerker is all blue/epic quality on w/g

    Scrapper is all blue/epic weapon is 100 quality, gloves are green quality

    striker blue quality weapons a few blue/green quality all around

    Platinum Founders account

    The account has alot of skins ive been buying skins for all my characters and they all have some form of skins not to mention the skin storage full of more of them. I have over 17 legendary mounts including 2 of the exlusive cerebrus mounts and the latest floating bed mount. Furthermore i have 15 pets including two legendary ( 1 for my spec classes 1 for my crit class)

    I have crap tons of honor shards saved up and all my characters are just sitting on rested now because im busy with work and getting married and starting my future fiance is priority over gaming now and as im sure you will/ already know Lost Ark is a time investment, but i sadly cannot be that type of gamer anymore.

    This steam account I have been using for 13+ years it hold alot of other game titles such as all the Age of Empires, the new civilization game + DLCs, Cyberpunk, all 3 Dark souls, both dishonored games , HOI4, Life is strange, RB6, a few total war games, and Witcher 3 with DLC's.

    Discord is: emmanoeltosp292#3830
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