Selling $25 itunes card

Discussion in 'Gift Cards - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sebastiian, 12/11/16.

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  1. Sebastiian

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    Im selling an iTunes $25!
    BIN: $17
    (No bids, lowest i'll go is $15)
    If you're a dollar or two short, it's fine :)

    -By placing a bid, you agree to buy it if you're the highest bidder.
    -Buyer goes first.
    -Buyer will pay in PayPal F&F.
    -Buyer will pay in USD, and if fees are applied for out of country transactions, you must pay until I receive the full amount.
    -Buyer will not chargeback, nor dispute the payment.
    -Breaking any part of my TOS will result in a scam report.
    -I can...

    $25 itunes card
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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