Selling  Android  High End 24-52 | LV 126 | 15M Power | Crystal LV 268 | VIP 15 | Rank 1 Arena | Tower 305 | Faction Tower 140+

Discussion in 'AFK Arena Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by xoScarlett, 8/24/19.

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  1. xoScarlett

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    I'll keep this short and sweet since we're here to save you time and getting you playing since I did all the boring stuff for you!

    I've included key information about this account but I highly encourage and welcome you to reach out (Scarlett#3417) with any additional questions you may have. I am happy to provide additional details or proof of all information.

    This account includes:

    Account LV 126
    Campaign 24-52
    Power 15M
    Crystal Levels 268
    VIP 15
    Rank 1 Arena
    Value (Spent) $6369.95*
    King's Tower 305

    All Faction Towers 140+ (Currently 1st Place in Graveborn)
    All Peaks of Time 100% Clear



    I've spent more than $6369.95 on this account (receipts available for every purchase).

    I'm looking to get less than a
    third (1/3) of that value back and willing to negotiate.

    Why am I selling this account?
    I'm just signing off. Frankly, I can't stop spending money on this game, I play too hard and too much to stay at the top, and it's starting to impact my fashion fund. My loss is your gain! I have absolutely ZERO interest in maintaining this account so you will never have to worry about me trying to acquire it back.

    My Google and my Facebook are attached to the account. While I can't hand those accounts over, obvs, it should have no impact on you or I when playing the game.
    I will try to get the email changed if you want but I can't guarantee they will.
    Active Guild will let you stay (if you want!) Level 5, Soren every other day (max), full library!
    I will also include enough Diamonds for you to change your name!

    Again, my Discord is Scarlett#3417 and I look forward to hearing from you!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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