Sold 231 Legendaries (100+ level 60), 9.1M Player Power, Siphi, Nekret, 3 Arbiter s

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Mr_Pizzaro, 7/18/21.

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  1. Mr_Pizzaro

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    This is a stacked account. I will only accept offers with MM. I will not accept any messages in Discord.
    Not attached to any accounts and the email can be changed.

    You can easily

    231 Legendaries. Below will be a list of duplicate legendary champs. These duplicates are (mostly) unbooked/no masteries. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    - Speed - 355 is the max speed (I think) but she is currently in the below build.
    - 332 Speed, 536 Resist

    - 211 Speed, 366...

    231 Legendaries (100+ level 60), 9.1M Player Power, Siphi, Nekret, 3 Arbiter's
    #1 Mr_Pizzaro, 7/18/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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