Selling 220 enf shade agent crat adv sol

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by malcrk, 11/25/13.

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  1. malcrk

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    220 enf shade agent crat adv sol
    All 220's (clan) have Alpha sym/spirits unless stated. Important research done on 220's only crat is 220/30/70
    Combined helms are the apf upgraded ones.
    All 220's have Inf Key, most have APF/LoX Belts
    Account has 1100 points available
    2 IGoC + Notucomm not in use

    Enf 220/30 (Great Shape)
    Ofab Helm & back, Jathos Chest & DB gloves + 300 CM
    QL 261 HD feet, Ado Brain, ear imp + Alpha's
    Alb & DB2 Bracer
    Kur'Ush Mallet + Deceit of the Xan

    Crat 220/30/70 (Great Shape) ALL Buff/debuff except ISC
    Ofab Gloves + Back & ql 300 CSS
    Gauntlet Shoulders
    Alb & DB3 Bracer
    ql 300 Eye & RH imps for AS + Pistol + Alpha's
    Troa'Ler Pistol + Lust

    Agent 220/30 (Great Shape) Has IIC
    Ofab Helm + Jathos Chest + Shroud & 300 CSS
    Alb & DB2 Bracer
    Gauntlet Shoulders
    QL 294 LA Imp AAD/Str/MM & Ado brain + Alpha's

    Shade 220/30 (Great Shape)
    Ofab Gloves + Slippers of Screaming + BSCoD & ql300 CM
    Improved # Medi-Blade + Deceit of the Xan
    Alb & DB2 Bracer + Signet

    Sol 220/22 (Decent Shape)
    Ofab Gloves + 275 CC + 275 Supple boots
    Alb & DB2 Bracer
    250 Feet HD 200 leg HD, ear imp. Rest are Beta's
    Anger of the Xan + Lord & Lady Envy

    Adv 220/24 MASTER PVP Title Has all buffs
    Upgraded Gloves & Body...sleeves need types, CotWK, Smart Hood (lol) (stripped combined awhile back)
    Intel Ear + Alpha's
    Troa'Ler Pistol + Lust & Sparkling Scimitar of Spetses // Twitch Pistol + JEPP
    Alb & DB2 Bracer

    *************************************************# ####################################************** ********

    Agent lvl 171/24 (Great Shape) Has INR
    QL 245 CSS + Notum Imbued Gaily Painted Hood
    Sec7 belt, rings etc

    NT lvl 174/7 Has syms & Inf Key, no armor. NS1

    Doc lvl 161 (Playable)

    POST HERE OR PM me if interested. Account not merged, original owner, never been banned.

    My skype is ross_diamond
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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