Selling 21 Hq 21mil $195 - Sheffield Mobilestrike game for...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sean Derrick, 6/27/16.

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  1. Sean Derrick

    Sean Derrick
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    21 Hq 21mil $195 - Sheffield Mobilestrike game for iOS or android exclusive deal you will not find another cheaper and 100% legit fast and easy transfer no messy recovery just straight swap of emails. Check out what is included for the price you would pay in game it cost you around 7 packs+ @ £79.99 each to achieve his level I'm selling it reduced as I lost interest. 21 HQ 20 warehouse 20 research 20 barracks 20 bank 15 death row 16 Prison 19 hall of heroes 15 embassy 15 hospital 20 farm 20 oil 20 quarry 20 iron mine 19 radio station 19 trade post 20 wall (includes built traps t3)100k Then follows with sub level buildings lower levels Commander level 49 Gift mode Full auto All t3 traps unlocked All t3 traps with minimum 5 def & attack 4 deployment slots open 500k + troops Level 19 gift hive VIP prestige 2 rank 6 Rebel attack level 4 Advanced traps open Advanced attacks open t3 cobra T6 materials Full t6 gear / construction gear Tons of week rss boosts State 182 Some good will be available but I buy shields to protect. There is 7 day boosts over 60 of each material VIP boosts over 200 days
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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