Sold 20MIL C22 18K GEMS K12

Discussion in 'Mobile Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by electrosing, 4/4/19.

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  1. electrosing

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    I'm selling a Castle 22 17 Mil account in Kingdom 12.
    I have 16K Gems and a Migrant Garnet.

    Branor- Purple, halfway gold, Saoirse- Purple, Reginald- Green

    Equipment Purple/Green

    RSS in bag

    EDIT: Half my buildings lvl 20+, rest midway lvl 20

    I am part of a guild that is active and safe. It is part of the family of the top guilds in the kingdom.

    I have one migrant garnet if you want to move kingdoms.

    If you want to bargain, feel free to PM me. I have no time and I would like this account sold asap!

    You can also contact me on LINE: imhyeoni

    Thank you.
    #1 electrosing, 4/4/19
    Last edited: 4/4/19
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