2020 Roblox account 55k+ robux spent clean name 7k rap

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by coldsnap154, 9/2/24.

  1. coldsnap154

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    My Location:
    Dm me on discord:coldsnxp for pictures and more games that this account is stacked in.

    Stacked in-
    Bedwars - I player season 1-5 and have most of the kits from around then.

    Arsenal-I am level 200+ and have many pages of exclusive skins including delinquent that’s cool and other rare skins.

    Tower defense simulator-I am level 110+ and have some exclusive towers like sledger and gladiator and many exclusive skins, also own most towers except mercenary base, engineer, brawler, and necromencer.

    Car crushers 2 - I have like 600m cash in the game and some game passes.

    pls donate - I have like 5-6k donated IMG_1138.jpeg
    #1 coldsnap154, 9/2/24
    Last edited: 9/2/24
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