Selling  Average  2013 2013 Roblox Account

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by Stabby2, 2/18/24.

  1. Stabby2

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    Selling a Roblox Account made 25th May 2013. It has previous username history of just 1 username. I own Korblox and Deathspeaker headphones, and VIP in a lot of games. Even some stats in a few games. The account has mainly been used for grinding games. I have probably spent above 60k robux on this account but it could be more, buyer can contact me and see the inventory for themself and I will also show gamepasses and VIP I have bought in other games. I have 3K followers. Level 1460 in Royale High, above 1 million diamonds in Royale High and a lot of badges. Maxxed out level in Hello Kitty Café. I own a lot of eggs from Egg Hunts that might be worth something in the future. Im looking for offers so the price I have written may not be correct, please contact me so we can discuss a price.

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    #1 Stabby2, 2/18/24
    Last edited: 2/18/24
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