Sold 2012 OG EU Account (1600WN8 52.4%Win 6500PR 24Kbattles 3VIIIprems + SoManyExtraUsables)

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Wane Oshin, 1/5/24.

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  1. Wane Oshin

    Wane Oshin
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    Hello there, im an OG WOT player (2012) but dont play often. wanted to sell because im tired of this game and have grown up. I really want to sell this since i am not interested in wot anymore. ill try to answer questions as soon as possible(i get email ill answer after work). Thank You

    stats (overall good stats):
    24K battles, 1600WN , 52.4% win, 6500PR , 5 (3 mark) tanks and 14 (2 mark) tanks
    tanks (famous special and prem above tier III):
    Kunze panzer, t55a,object777,patton,AE phase1,concept 1B+special skin,char futur,​
    IS3A(peregrine)[2mark] , T26E5 (patriot) [3mark] , obsidian,​
    T34-85[2mark] , , HT No.6, many more...
    tanks (tech tree tier X opened or bought):
    GWE100, Grille[2mark] , Maus,Leo 1,
    obj.705A, is4, obj 430,k-91
    T57 heavy,sheridan
    bc25t, fochB & AMX50b & AMX 105 need research
    minotauro need research
    campaigns (i have 14 backup campaign orders not used!):
    StugIV(100% with honors)
    T28Concept (100% with honors)
    T55A(100% two missions for honors are left)
    Object 260(45% )

    Excalibur (100% with honors)
    Chimera (60%)
    Obj 279e (0%)
    15K bonds, 1K gold, 1M credit, 840K freexp
    valuables (the extra stuff I mentioned):
    28 Fresh Special Crew (arnold,...)
    over 2000 Personal Reserves
    overall about 10 bond equipment and 4 experimental(lvl3) and 4 bounty
    about 1k premium RepairKit+FirstAidKit+FireExtinguisher
    840K freexp
    14 backup campaign orders!
    +800 Universal blueprint & +100 per nation blueprint
    Unused Skins worth for 40 tanks (custom style) + so many decals,inscription,... 50 Skins (preset style) (these are just unused stuff, i have alot of them already on my tanks)
    +10 Personal training manual , +20 Universal training manual + more training books
    +1500 directives (honestly nobody uses these !)​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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