Selling 2012 Account no Moderation history + potential limiteds

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by tyronek, 4/16/17.

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  1. tyronek

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    Has white earbuds , an exclusive item only give to users that verified their emails via ios no longer available.
    Has an opened gift of servers , an opened gift of passage , Bloxxer Cap , Backwards R cap , and other hats that are no longer available
    and have potential to become limited items in the future.
    also has an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Gear , not available anymore.
    Has a place that has over 300 visits , veteran badge , homestead badge , 450 forum posts , 5 robux , etc.

    Paypal only I don't do discord or skype , just contact me via website messaging.
    Price is bendable , open to any offers.

    I'm also selling a few other older accounts , I have a handful of 2013 accounts and a few 2014-15s.
    These go for about $15 - $25 bucks if you're interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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