Sold 200M, T4 Unlocked, 3.5M Troops, 20 GOLD COMMANDERS, Green Daenerys, Gold badges, 170K diamonds

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nikos giatras, 6/1/20.

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  1. Nikos giatras

    Nikos giatras
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    My Location:
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    ***YOU CAN SET UP YOUR OWN MAIL*** 0% risk of losing your investment!!

    Badges: 4 GOLD badges (one of them Gold Health badge, original value 200$)
    6 epic badges
    The rest equipped badges are blue+

    Army: 3.5M T3,
    Army Size: 385K (~570k with a simple 50% army buff)
    Tavern Combat Buff: 2350 (+60% total attack, health, defense)

    Troop appearances:
    Runaway cavalry (gold+3), Oldtown bowmen (gold +2), House reed Spearmen (gold+2), Northern Cavalry (Gold+1), Dornish Spearmen (blue +3), +3 more troop appearances (see the photos at the end)

    COMMANDERS: 36 (all VIII fully equipped) (see the screenshot at the end)
    Gold Commander (20): Seg, Mengo, Melissandre, Barret, Robb, Arya, Soren, Varys, Sheila, Sansa, Gorrell, Chris, Arslan, Merrel, Russel, Haley, Robert, Kravras, Feis, Jeane

    Extra P2P commanders (13): DAENERYS (Green, Original value: 500$), SANDOR CLEGANE (Grey), Andrea (Blue), Julien (Blue), Meranda (Blue), Theon (Blue), Sinara (Blue), Laena (Blue), Margery (Green), Kevin (Green), Raymond (green), Jaime (green), Laela (Green)

    Special Commanders (3): Sabrina (green) (35/50), O'Biehn (50/150), Tyrion (80/100)

    1st Dragon LvL 60
    2nd Dragon LvL 20: 100/120 shadow essences for next rank
    Gold Dragon skills: 1x Lvl8, 4x Lvl6, 6x Lvl5, 3lvl4, +25x Ancient skill army fragments

    Lord Level: 60 (maxed)
    Rank: Lord commander
    ALL BUILDINGS including IRON BANK are maxed

    Training Speed Speedups: 75 days
    290% research speed
    3.5B+ in Grain, Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold
    **5 translocation scrolls**

    Gear: Green Mountain Clan set

    Exteriors: Beacon of light, Internal fortress (they costed 100$ each), Shadow of valyria (one of the best combat exteriors)
    Mint Disguise, Rose Keep, Diamond Mint Disguise, City of Prosperity, Grant Keep, Garden Keep

    If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me for more information or details. I can provide screenshots upon request. (Discord: livelou#0404)

    (Use the arrows to see more photos on the windows below!)

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