Selling 200 talimaking - 200 salvage i'm not sure but got...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/24/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    200 talimaking - 200 salvage i'm not sure but got 2 sove chest ( def-offensive) full worn sove. I'll give u all details P.M me if u interested." "Golden scarabs/Gold/Pots - Gorfang/Order ""Golden scarabs: 1k - 10$ (bundle discounts)" Gold - 1k - 15$ Pots - ask in PM - we have everything We can transfer gold/scarabs to any server on buyers expense." "WTS rr96 Chosen ""5/5 doomflayer" 8/8 sov def and off Weapon off/df 2H Full Wf set off and deff Full tovl Glyph set Bone Ward Settra cloak Colossus 2h Ruby of the watcher All lotd pockets lotd cloak/gem Glyph of maniacal fury Pandemonium heart Aviator goggles Stag mantle Harbringer's cloak Manticore mount rr100 direaxe of the scemer 6k Gold Full Account Details . for Bids e-mail me to : Pwla_Da@ Ty." "WTS WH RR91 Karak norn ""helllo i want to sell my RR91 WH Kara Norn equip : " 5/5 Glyph set full offensive doom 3 piece defensive doom both RR90 offensive weapons crook of radience magic absorb melee absorb pockets" "rr90 wh-karak norn server ""rr90 wh - karak norn" got 1xrr90 weapon melee and magic absorb///parry and block pockets Full off/def DF Full off/def WF Full off/def SOV 5/5 glyphs Contact is a89_dr@ Only . about price "WTS KOTBS 78 on Karak Norn ""rr78 kotbs - rr57 WP - r40 Engi" rvr pack combo included kotbs has 4 VL glyphs defencive sove 6 piece royal weap royal shield crests - havent exchanged so if u want to grind for 2h weap u will have half of the crests. 4piece offencive sove sandstorm 2h - ka ranihure dps weap 2h over 1k gold in badlands have some twinks with about 1k gold in them r35 sorc pm with offers" "RR80-SHAMAN RR75-WE RR78-BW RR71-KOTB RR58-CHOSEN RR52-WP RR46DOK RR42-SORC RR41-eng ""I am selling this account that has a lot of characters that come with purchase! I am the original and only owner have not told account information to anyone." Account has RVR Pack activated and has the 1 year War Aegis that gives 10% rr and exp bonus. RR80 Shammy on Gorfang. RR75 WE on Gorfang. RR...
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