Sold 200+ Mil BR K1 - Top 50 in the World Ranking, T4, 100k+Diamonds, Ton of Resources

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sri Premkumar, 6/14/19.

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  1. Sri Premkumar

    Sri Premkumar
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    I have spent almost 7k USD, It is a high end account ranked Top 20 in the world. And selling it for half the money I spent if you would like to do buy now ($3500 msg me to drop price).
    Im selling my acct on k1 with enough resources to make it 210-215 million BR. T4 troops all units available with 65-70 million BR power from Research. Close to VIP 12, Almost all lords unlcoked except for little finger / cerci. Over 4.5 million troops - (But troop varies as I still try to be active when I can play). The acct is getting stronger every day, If you are interested please let me know.
    I can provide pics of resources - lords - castle - talent - and details upon request.

    Please feel free to contact me faster via [email protected]
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