Selling  Android and iOS  Average 20 LEADER ACCOUNTS WITH 18K+ RUPIES/250K+ VIALS/10-200 PACKS/20 SEER ORBS

Discussion in 'Shadowverse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pomki7, 10/11/22.

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  1. Pomki7

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    My Location:

    All accounts are handmade, handrolled, no bots/cheats/hacks used
    Account have 18k+ rupies (will state around how much rupies on the account at the time of the post, usually more than listed due to daily login rewards) so 180+packs of your choice
    You will never find another seller who will offer this much rupies with starter leaders
    All accounts come with at most 9 leaders from pulling meaning other leaders can be brought using rupies/tickets of your choice
    All accounts are fresh starters and are untouched in storymode
    Note: these accounts do not have the Rage of Bahamut/NetEase leaders but you can buy them all for 3800 rupies and you can also select 2 leaders of your choice, one from championship ticket, and other from 4th anniver, so thats +11 leaders in total,, meaning each account can truly come with at most 20 playable leaders
    +2 selective picks from championship leaders and 4th anniver leaders
    You will still have over 14k+ rupies if you choose to buy these leaders otherwise it can be seen as +38 packs

    All accounts come with around base 140k+ vials (meaning can be 250k+ if you use all the rupies for packs) this means you can craft any meta/unlimited deck you want
    20~ Seer orbs with 12-18 legendary packs

    If I do not have the account you want, you can dm me which characters you were looking for and I will offer you the best alternative I have and we can go on from there.
    Payment method: Paypal
    Once I have received your payment, give me 15mins to do a final check of the account before I send you the login info

    These accounts also come with between 10-200 packs, averaging around 140 packs usually

    min. 4 leaders with 18k+ rupies- $27
    5 leaders with 18k+rupies-$39
    (4-5 leaders tend to sell alot so stock is low and price may be slightly higher than listed)
    6 leaders with 18k+ rupies- $47
    7 leaders with 18k+ rupies- $54
    8 leaders with 18k+ rupies- $67
    max. 9 leaders+18k rupies- $75-80
    (Price may be slightly higher if over 20k+ rupies)
    # if you leave a confirmed feedback after buying
    Dm here or for faster response, Discord: Pomki7#0001
    Some accounts can have as much as 25k+ rupies
    I also have leader accounts with 2-3 leaders with 18k+ rupies/4-5 leader accounts with no rupies

    Surprise me account: $30
    3 random leaders+4th anniversary+championship leader ticket=5 leaders
    1000+ packs with around ~200/800 rotation/unlimited (more from login rewards)
    50+ tickets
    8-15 legendary packs
    14-20k rupies
    13-20 seer orbs
    100k+ vials after liquifying extras

    Here are some of our best accounts
    Note: These accounts can be +11 bonus leaders with 2 selective picks (championship and 4th anniver) and if you choose to buy the Rage of Bahamut//NetEase bundle for 3800 rupies

    Account 1: 9 leaders
    Forestcraft: Cassiopeia, Liza, Brilliant Fairy
    Runecraft: Kyoka
    Swordcraft: Melissa
    Dragoncraft: Rola
    Bloodcraft: Medusa
    Havencraft: Alexiel
    Portalcraft: Orchis
    Rupies: 18800
    Price: $75

    Account 2: 9 leaders
    Forestcraft: Brilliant Fairy
    Swordcraft: Melissa
    Dragoncraft: Galmieux, Aldos, Ignis Dragon
    Shadowcraft: Aisha
    Bloodcraft: Medusa
    Havencraft: Alexiel
    Portalcraft: Orchis
    Rupies: 20200
    Price: $80

    Account 3: 9 leaders SOLD
    Forestcraft: Cassiopeia, Brilliant Fairy
    Runecraft: Wizardess of Oz, Kuon
    Swordcraft: Tsubaki
    Dragoncraft: Valdain
    Shadowcraft: Aisha
    Bloodcraft: Mono
    Havencraft: Alexiel
    Rupies: 22600

    Price: $75
    Account 4: 8 leaders
    Forestcraft: Ladica, Brilliant Fairy
    Runecraft: Teo
    Swordcraft: Melissa
    Dragoncraft: Ignis Dragon, Filene
    Havencraft: Ramina
    Portalcraft: Belphomet, Spinaria
    Rupies: 21700
    Price: $63

    Account 5: 7 leaders
    Forestcraft: Brilliant Fairy
    Runecraft: Daria
    Swordcraft: Dionne
    Shadowcraft: Miyako
    Bloodcraft: Medusa, Dark Emperor
    Havencraft: Lapis
    Price: $51
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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