First is a 2050 rank 1650 material exchange 100 gems 250 k coins Exs Lucario, Mew, Gardevoir ,Rayquaza R. 3 broken reuniclus ,Gothitle, murkrow, 2 Gastly, 2 Umbreon, skarmony , onyx , machamp ,wigglytuff ,dratini notable uc shupet and gothorita Next is a 2300 master league account with 2200 material exchange 500k coins 3 ex exp cubes 1 ex clv cube Exs Xerneas x2 (one is clv1) , Greninja x2, Ho oh x2, Zapdos x2 , Delphox x2, Chesnaught, Charizard, Venesaur, Keldeo, Gardevoir, Yvetal, Manaphy, Mew, Rayquaza, Diagla, Latias clv1 R Salamence clv1, Skarmony, Goodra , Sneasel x2, Gothitle,Jolteon,Dratini x2,Steelix, Meowth, Armaldo, Machamp,Gastly, Sylveon , Gyrados,Murkrow,Wigglytuff,Electabuzz,Eevee, Wobufett, Jigglypuf notable uc/c shupet magikarp x2 Taking offers on both