Sold 2 Level 90 LK Whale Accounts

Discussion in 'Food Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by clairekjmx, 3/12/19.

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  1. clairekjmx

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    I have 2 Level 90 Light Kingdom accounts available for sale. Please contact me via Discord (clairekjm#559) or email ([email protected]) for offers or questions. I will provide the relevant screenshots upon request. The price can be negotiated but payment to be made via PayPal under Friends and Family option.

    Level 90 Food Fantasy Account 1 - $700
    4876 Rebate Points

    UR Food Souls:
    5* Pizza (married)
    5* Turkey with 18/42 artifact nodes activated (married)
    5* B-52 (married)
    5* Bamboo Rice (married)
    5* Foie Gras (married)
    5* Peking Duck (married)
    4* Double Scoop (6/150)
    3* Boston Lobster (100/110)
    3* Crab Long Bao (90/110) (married)
    2* Bibimbap (11/80) (married)
    2* Buddha's Temptation (5/80)
    2* Cloud Tea (5/80)
    2* Gingerbread (18/80)
    2* Huangshan Maofeng Tea (4/80)
    2* Milt (0/80) (married)
    2* Raindrop Cake (0/80)
    2* Sichuan Hotpot (55/80) (married)
    2* Toso (41/80) (married)
    1* Caviar (14/35) (married)
    Unsummoned Apple Pie (70/80)
    Unsummoned Canele (13/80)
    Unsummoned Champagne (25/80)

    Restaurant Souls:
    5* Cheese (restaurant skills maxed)
    5* Rice (restaurant skills maxed)
    5* Jello
    5* Popcorn
    5* Skewer
    4* Hawthorne Ball
    4* Pancake (restaurant skills maxed)
    4* Pudding (restaurant skills maxed)
    4* Sandwich
    3* Strawberry Daifuku (restaurant skills maxed)
    2* Toast

    5* Miso and 5* Sanma are both married.

    Fallen Angels (all Gold stats unless mentioned)
    +12 Tsuchi Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +12 Tsuchi Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +12 Ume Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +11 Ume Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +11 Ume Brave (4 Atk)
    +11 Ume Brave (4 Atk)
    +11 Inugami Brave (4 Purple Atk)
    +11 Queen Conch Brave (2 Gold Atk 2 Purple Atk)
    +10 Thunderuda Cautious (4 HP)
    +10 Tsuchi Cautious (1 Atk 3 HP)
    +10 Aizen Staunch (1 Gold Def 3 Purple Def)
    +10 Inugami Staunch (1 Gold Def 3 Purple Def)
    +10 Tsuchi Staunch (4 Gold Def)
    +9 Aizen Brave (4 Purple Atk)
    +9 Uke Mochi Brave (4 Purple Atk)
    +8 Tsuchi Brave (4 Atk)
    +5 Ume Brave (3 Atk 1 HP)

    Other information:
    Top 1-2 fame uncontested for past 4-5 months
    Level 22 restaurant (reaching level 23 in a week)
    Top 10 Aluna and Durga disaster damage daily
    Highest catacombs clear level 84
    Have 1600 diamonds and 679150K gold
    Uke Mochi, Aizen, Clown, Fondant Cake, Fish and Until Forever Rice avatar unlocked
    #1 Fame, Uke Mochi, Aizen, Tsuchi, all Turkey event and Catnip frame unlocked
    Jiuniang and Milk team up skins available

    Level 91 Food Fantasy Account 2 - $900
    7167 Rebate Points

    UR Food Souls:
    5* Pizza (married)
    5* Turkey with 18/42 artifact nodes activated (married)
    5* B-52 (married)
    5* Bamboo Rice (married)
    5* Foie Gras (married)
    5* Peking Duck (married)
    4* Crab Long Bao (25/150) (married)
    4* Double Scoop (89/150) (married)
    3* Boston Lobster (89/110)
    3* Gingerbread (47/80) (married)
    3* Toso (11/80) (married)
    2* Bibimbap (8/80) (married)
    2* Buddha's Temptation (5/80)
    2* Caviar (10/80) (married)
    2* Cloud Tea (13/80)
    2* Milt (0/80)
    2* Raindrop Cake (0/80)
    1* Sichuan Hotpot (0/35)
    1* Huangshan Maofeng Tea (11/35)
    Unsummoned Apple Pie (75/80)
    Unsummoned Canele (15/80)
    Unsummoned Champagne (45/80)

    Restaurant Souls:
    5* Cheese (restaurant skills maxed)
    5* Rice (restaurant skills maxed)
    3* Strawberry Daifuku (restaurant skills maxed)
    5* Jello
    5* Popcorn
    4* Skewer
    4* Hawthorne Ball
    4* Pancake (restaurant skills maxed)
    4* Pudding (restaurant skills maxed)
    4* Sandwich
    3* Toast

    5* Miso and 5* Sanma are both married.

    Fallen Angels (all Gold stats unless mentioned)
    +12 Tsuchi Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +12 Ume Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +12 Ume Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +12 Uke Mochi Brave (4 Purple Atk)
    +11 Tsuchi Resolute (4 Atk Speed)
    +11 Thunderuda Cautious (4 HP)
    +11 Tsuchi Staunch (1 Atk Speed 3 Def)
    +11 Orochi Staunch (1 Gold 3 Purple Def)
    +10 Tsuchi Brave (4 Atk)
    +10 Aizen Brave (1 Gold 3 Purple Atk)
    +10 Inugami Brave (4 Purple Atk)
    +10 Queen Conch Brave (2 Gold 2 Purple Atk)
    +10 Tsuchigumo Cautious (4 HP)
    +10 Orochi Cautious (stats not rolled)
    +10 Uke Mochi Cautious (stats not rolled)
    +8 Orochi Brave (stats not rolled)
    +8 Tsuchigumo Cautious (4 Purple HP)
    +7 Ume Brave (2 Atk 2 HP)
    +7 Ume Brave (2 Atk 2 HP)
    +3 Tsuchi Cautious (4 Purple HP)
    +3 Ume Cautious (1 Gold HP 3 Purple HP)

    Other information:
    Top 1-2 fame uncontested for past 4-5 months
    Level 23 restaurant (highest restaurant level in LK)
    Top 10 Aluna and Durga disaster damage daily
    Highest catacombs clear level 89
    Have 3800 diamonds and 524300K gold
    Uke Mochi, Aizen, Clown, Fondant Cake, Fish and Until Forever Rice avatar unlocked
    #1 Fame, Uke Mochi, Aizen, Tsuchi, all Turkey event and Catnip frame unlocked
    Milk team up skin available as well
    #1 clairekjmx, 3/12/19
    Last edited: 3/12/19
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