My wife and I had played hardcore for a long time and built up 2 great accounts that are no longer being played due to other priorities in life. A link below is to a few photos showing some of the stuff that has been acquired over the last 2 years or so. We are selling BOTH accounts so please don't ask to split it up. Account 1 Basics 3,495 Gilda Star to spend on whatever you want 1077 Loyalty tokens 426,000 Vocation badges 1800 gold Account 2 Basics 500 Gilda Star 500,000 vocation badges 4035 Loyalty tokens (yes, that many) 11,365 gold 11 Golden Teardrop Storage chests and each account has a otherworld chest as well. The farming compound consists of 14 properties that are all joined together and right next to the auctioneer and vendors. Check out the pic of the map and take a look around. Great spot to launch a boat. There are tons of mounts and pets, costumes and all the equipment necessary to craft just about anything. There is over 150k in labor pots between both accounts. Take a look at the pics and let me know if you have any questions. I'll meet anyone in game for a tour of the compound and invite to the family guild (only 3 people) so you can see whats in all the chests. Would be a great opportunity for a small guild or those looking to secure land before mergers down the road. Kyrios is a high population server, so highly likely others will eventually be merged to it. Asking $500 paid via PayPal gift option.