Sold 2 gold-merit farms and a HoF account

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iKillOrDieTryN, 9/9/20.

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  1. iKillOrDieTryN

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    The gold farms are also merit farms. they are both hyper farms with the ability to make gold and one other resource. i used them to make wood and stone. so that is their current setup. they can be altered to make gold and iron or gold and grain. they produce 13m gold per day each. along with 10m grain wood stone or iron depending on the setup. both have 25 market and transport research completed up to lvl 8 or 9. i can't remember which it maxes at with 24 tower. both lord levels are over 56. if you put a little more work into the accounts they can be used as lvl 60 lords if you want. the Hof account is just a standard HOF account at lvl 4. one of the farms has 5 scrolls while the other doesn't have any yet. but it does have 600k alliance coins so getting a scroll should take no more than 3 days or so. the HoF account is also at 600k coins. i do not have any screen shots but i can get them if you want. both farms have 14 day bubbles which will expire in 5 days. both farms have a small amount of t3 troops. you will need to save speed ups to make troops in order to farm merit.

    Please contact me on discord if you have any questions or wish to make a fair offer. my discord ID is MrHellFire#2905
    i live in the USA so if you do not get a reply right away please be patient i will reply ASAP.
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