Sold 2 accounts: 65 Wiz/60Nec Persona / 65 monk, 60 SK

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by draughtofjiva, 12/30/24.

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  1. draughtofjiva

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    65 Wiz - 256 AA - time flagged many BIS PoP items - all spells. $200 - more gear detail can be provided upon request. Very fast polar bear mount.


    60 NEC persona

    65 monk 279 AA - $175- Saddle striker mount from outerbrood xpac

    Teek tournament bundle, Outerbrood bag - gear list can be provided upon request but includes some BIS items from Luclin, tower gear, dark hand wraps, Lungi tunic, orb of evasion, etc

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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