Account#1 - Power 35m Cav focus - 1m+ troops - Max Aethelfled and Cao Cao others 55/54 no broken skill - Lv 60 = CaoCao,Mina,Genghis and 5 Epics - 5 free passports , 20k+ gems - Free 8m farmer - VIP11 - Decent Equipment - More than 110k AP left Account#2 - Power 42m Inf focus - 2m+ troops - Max Aethelfled + 5554 Charles + 5541 Elcid + others 55/54 no broken skill - 6* = Charles,Richard,Mina and 8 Epics - 4 free passports , 20k+ gems - Free 10m farmer - VIP11(-20ktoVIP12) - Decent Equipment Buy now that KvK almost start Both accounts in the same kingdom, More than plenty of resource tokens on both in case u want to migrate Not so much of speedups left ,Growth Fund still available if u want to push castle lv The stats will keep increasing until theyre sold