Selling  Android  High End 2.9M cp, 7cs on one of the best toons conqueror + solid cs on other toons

Discussion in 'Looney Tunes World of Mayhem Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell LTWoH' started by PlayHardButFair, 4/28/21.

  1. PlayHardButFair

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    hey i am selling my looney tunes wom account. it has a cp of 2.9m.
    in arena and wars i am in top alliance and even there i am in top 5-6 attackers (bombers).

    since update my war defense dropped to about 300k+
    in arena i am winning against most 3.5m+ cp teams easily.

    i am playing for about 2 years and invested tons of time and resources.
    with this account you will be taken by top alliances in game and you will do well.

    i have good teams for war and arena.

    i have the real cool legendaries:
    7.7 king daffy, 7.7 monster tweety, 7.7 bugs the brave, 7.7 star pharaoh, 7.7 hippety hopper,
    7.7 super rabbit, 7.7 ninja ralph, 7.7 petunia pig, 7.7 don henry, 7.7 treasure hunter tweety,
    7.7 ronin, 7.4 evil granny, 7.3 pirate penelope

    nice high tu toons:
    7.7 ninja ralph TU 45
    7.7 yokai TU 45
    7.7 don henry TU 43 (doesn't need to be TU45)
    7.7 petunia pig TU 43 (doesn't need to be TU45)
    7.7 evil granny TU 43 (doesn't need to be TU45)
    7.7 super rabbit TU 45
    7.7 flaming succotash TU 45
    7.7 presto pig TU 45
    7.7 ronin TU 43
    7.7 gothamer TU 45
    7.7 jester bugs TU 45
    7.7 nova bunny TU 45
    7.7 sea devil TU 45
    7.7 devil dog TU 43 (doesn't need to be TU45)
    7.7 captain bligh TU 43 -> TU43+
    7.7 m4rv1n TU 43 (doesn't need to be TU45)
    7.7 conqueror TU 42 (be carful to tune him up higher -> you will facer stronger opponents in arena)
    7.7 proffesor prissy TU 42

    screenshots are listed by cosmic stars down to 4 cs (not power)
    i have just 18 toons with 0 (no) cosmic stars.

    for more info contact me
    #1 PlayHardButFair, 4/28/21
    Last edited: 4/29/21