Still available. Played for 4.5years straight!! thousand and thousand of shop tokens, millions of memories, hundreds of mods, badges, diamond crate, booster crates, redskill crates, etc you name it i have it. Images and videos here:
- SCAMMER ALERT - Makes offers then backs out. Then makes another offer and then changes it. Wants you to give him the account access with the promise that he “wIlL pAy YoU lAtER i PrOmiSe” ! Claims that paypal takes his money and that it will take “wEeKs tO gEt mY mOnEy BaCk” Lol what a joke! Then dares to call me an “addict” for playing too long when he calls himself “sUrE iM a JunKie” but I guess I shouldn’t be worried because he also says “i BeLiEvE iN God”. Not mention a sketchy af email I got from a “middleman” leading to a 404 page. Edit: typos