Selling  1-24 Hours ($2.5m Wagered) Roobet Loyalty Account | Original Owner | All Perks

Discussion in 'Roobet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ChiefCrank, 3/4/25 at 2:57 AM.

  1. ChiefCrank

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    Hey you guys! Here to let my beloved account test the waters and see what I can get for it. This account has been mine and originally created in 2020. Roobet Loyalty Program, all the bells and whistles. Offers such as shipping physical gifts, RayBan Meta Glasses, Speakers, etc. Monthly bonus spins. Monday Roo Spins, the whole nine. The largest bonus/tip from host I've received on this account was $5,000. Loads of $3k'rs and so on.

    The only downfall to this account is I havent played in roughly 8 months or so. However the day the account is actively used and played on again, you will be right back in the loop of all the rewards and bonuses. I do have OGE, however we'd have to set some type of transfer over because it is a main personal email.

    If you're interested, shoot me an offer. I didn't know there were a market for these, so would like to see (fair) offers based on similar account postings listed. Have a great day, cheers! Any questions message me here!