Selling my 1tril account purely because I do not have time to play it. All gear, including Perses and the new Skeleton King Defence Gear powered up to 10. Loads of Cores to craft including custom recipes that will go to the buyer. HoW24 Workshop24 Academy24 Quite a lot of speeds. 10x 200% March Boosts Loads of 300% Boosts for combat 97b in research power VIP 25 Hero 69 Decent building boosts, 19 Barrack at 23 and 1 at 24. All other buildings at 24. Academy 24 research has been started not finished and quite a long way. 1.1m orbs still there to continue boosting. 50b troops. This account is very good and I'm asking $1000 (usd) pm if interested if you would like screens leave your line ID or add me.... Thanks